I predict that before long a bot will be writing this column | Josie Pagani



I predict that before long a bot will be writing this column

Josie's column of 2023 predictions in Stuff is here.

I predict that by the end of this year an artificial Intelligence bot will write this column in the style of Josie Pagani. Are you sure this has not already happened?

Peering only for a minute or so into the future, I foretell I am going to make more predictions.

Russians who criticise their government's murderous and illegal war on Ukraine will continue to balance much too close to window sills.

You will still be panicking about charging your EV when you're on holiday.

The election will be contested between politicians who have lost the art of communication, but not, alas, the art of speech (to paraphrase former UK prime minister Gordon Brown).

We will treat election promises with the same deference we reserve for the claim that chips cooked in the air fryer you got for Christmas will taste as good as fried.

The one prediction I am truly confident in is that we will never know what the future holds.

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