Josie joined Paul Henry and Matthew Hooton on Newshub as Bill English emerges as the likely next prime minister and a by-election looms in Mt Albert as David Shearer heads to the UN's post in South Sudan.

Josie joined Larry Williams and Bill Ralston on Newstalk ZB's The Huddle to discuss John Key's announcement he will resign.
Part 1 is here.
The Huddle 6 Dec 16 Part 1Part 2 is here.
The Huddle 6 Dec 16 Part 204/12/16
Labour gets 66 per cent support in the Mt Roskill by-election result - 'a result Labour should be proud of,' Josie tells Andrew Dickens on his Sunday cafe.
Listen here.
Sunday cafe 4 December 16 Part 1Part 2 is here:
Sunday cafe 4 December 16 Part 202/12/16
'A disastrous decision, wrong politically, misguided personally, and it looks careerist' - On Tim Fookes' Friday Forum Josie comments on Nick Legget's defection to join National.
Listen to that, and all the other topics - Part 1 is here:
Friday Forum 2 Dec 16 Part 1Part 2:
2016.12.02-10.15.00-DPart 3:
2016.12.02-10.30.00-Dand Part 4:
2016.12.02-10.45.00-DJosie's column in The Spinoff about Nick Leggett's decision to change sides
is here.