One week to the US election.
Josie joined Heather du Plessis Allan on Newstalk ZB to make her prediction.
And Labour's Ginny Andersen shared a meme poking fun at King Charles.
In a just, rules-based order there are consequences for illegal behaviour.
In a “might is right” world, countries act with impunity. In that world, New Zealand has little power. We survived that world in the past by sheltering behind Mother Britain, and later the US.
Now imagine we have to survive that world when the US is imposing extortionate tariffs on our exports and Trump is demanding concessions.
A future in which we need trade and protection in a US bloc will not be easy or low-cost, and maybe not even possible.
Josie's Post column looks at our prospects as the rules-based world order fizzles.21/10/24
Josie joined Heather du Plessis Allan on Newstalk ZB to discuss whether the America's Cup will be hosted in New Zealand, fFollowing Team New Zealand's win.
Andrew Bayly's 'loser' comments to a Marlborough worker.
And Health NZ spends $60,000 on catering for a three-day conference.
Josie joined Heather du Plessis Allan on Newstalk ZB to discuss ASB's CEO advocating for more taxes in New Zealand to pay for the infrastructure deficits. This comes after ANZ's CEO advocated for a capital gains tax.
And: It's been one year since the latest election.
Tory Whanau‘s underwhelming, often embarrassing, mayoralty is a symptom, not a cause, of the city’s decline. The decay is not caused by Nicola Willis trimming the public sector, either.
Wellington would still be scruffy and fading even if the roads and water pipes operated perfectly. Our problem is the absence of a visionary plan that sets out a destination for the city, priorities for getting there and milestones to hold councils to account.
Start with economic development.
Josie's economic development plan is in The Post.