Is a land tax on foreigners the best way to solve the Auckland housing bubble? Josie discussed the issue with Duncan Garner and David Farrar on RadioLive here.
The death of Prince, sentencing of a woman in a domestic violence-related case, looking for a job and a good samaritan steps in to save someone having a heart attack: Josie joined Tim Fookes and Nick Mills on Newstalk ZB’s Friday Forum to discuss all this - and this week's Hots and Nots.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are a step closer to their party nominations for the US presidential elections following the New York primary yesterday. Josie discussed with Paul Henry, and predicted Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz will not be nominated.
Josie joined Larry Williams and Jordan Williams for The Huddle on Newstalk ZB to discuss new research showing MPs are being drawn from a less diverse range of work backgrounds and increasingly becoming career politicians; and Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton get big wins in the New York primary.
Josie joined Deborah Coddington and Larry Williams for The Huddle on Newstalk ZB to discuss a 19+ year sentence for a school sex offender, The Panama Papers - Labour's leader releases his tax returns and wants the PM to do the same, and new rules to make employers offer low skill jobs to New Zealanders before they offer them to immigrants.
Josie joined Tim Fookes and Nick Mills on Newstalk ZB’s Friday Forum to discuss taxis and discrimination, Helen Clark's bid to be Secretary General of the UN, and proposals to ban begging on Wellington streets.
Josie joined Matthew Hooton and Larry Williams for The Huddle on Newstalk ZB to discuss imams promoting moderation and tolerance in mosques, why Helen Clark looks like the nest candidate for UN Secretary General, and the Greens want to end secrecy around foreign trusts.
Josie joined Tim Fookes and Dave Armstrong on Newstalk ZB’s Friday Forum to discuss frustration with Wellington commuter traffic and the impressive community effort to get authorities to fix the issue; climate change and coastal erosion, new health and safety legislation, jobs going at NZ Post; and is there enough compulsory New Zealand history in the school curriculum?