Archives for August 2017 | Josie Pagani


NZ Election Coverage

Josie was on Newstalk ZB’s election series The Cauldron this week.

In this part she talks about the Maori Party’s Marama Fox winning the small party debate, and Winston Peters’ superannuation over-payment.

“I’ve said for the last 9 years that Labour’s been in opposition that Labour needed to do more than change the leader - and it turns out I’m wrong.

And Josie points out Labour’s polling shows it is resonating in the regions, it is taking around off each of the Greens and National.

Plus: Superannuation - if you means-test super you give an incentive not to save for your retirement.

Tax policy gets debated here.

And: “It’s not fair some saving for a house is taxed more than someone who owns a house, and the person who cleans a house is taxed more than the person who owns it.”

Tax. Peters into finance? And Labour's new ad

Josie was on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB talking about kids joining demonstrations against seabed ironsand mining in S. Taranaki.
The Huddle 22 August 17 Part 1

And in Part 2: Capital gains tax. Could Winston Peters be finance minister? And the release of Labour’s new election ad.
The Huddle 22 August 17 Part 2

Rapid rail, WoFs for rentals and Greens to fall under 5%?

Josie joined Mike Yardley and Larry Williams on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB to discuss proposals for rapid rail connecting Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. She says transport ideas, whether rail roads or anything else, should not be a left-right issue but about opportunity cost and what you are not going to do.
The Huddle 17 August 17 Part 1

In Part 2, Warrants of Fitness for rental houses in Wellington, and a forecast that the Green Party could fall below 5% in the next poll.
The Huddle 17 August 17 Part 2

Labour's new leader

Labour gets a new leader, and Josie writes for The State of the Left that Jacinda Ardern can't really lose - but for Labour to win she’ll have to be a little more prepared for some people not to like her.

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