Archives for February 2017 | Josie Pagani


Emergency housing crisis

Josie debated housing with Tim Wilson and Larry Williams on Newstalk ZB's The Huddle as the cost of providing emergency housing blows out because demand for it is so high.
The Huddle 27 Feb 17 Part 1

In Part 2, the Act Party wants to reduce sentences for prisoners who learn to read and write, and former All Black Ali Williams charged in a Paris cocaine bust.
The Huddle 27 Feb 17 Part 2

Mt Albert by election and candidate selections

Josie was on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB.

Listen to Part 1 discussing MPs being selected for safe seats without a contest of ideas and the Mt Albert by-election here.
The Huddle 22 Feb 17 Part 1

In Part 2, the panel talks about a beggar who is on a benefit gets convicted of fraud, and Sam Neill's call for a boycott of Cadbury. Listen here.
The Huddle 22 Feb 17 Part 2

State of the Nation

Josie was on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB with Trish Sherson and Larry Williams.

In Part 1 they discuss extra spending on police, Labour’s selection of Greg O’Connor in Ohariu and whether there is a mood for change in the electorate. Listen here.
The Huddle 2 Feb 17 Part 1

In Part 2, they discuss Prime Minister Bill English’s State of the Nation speech, the delivery of social services, and charging the media for covering Waitangi.
The Huddle 2 Feb 17 Part 2

The state of our aid sector

New Zealand’s non-government-organisations and charities working internationally are active in over sixty countries, and generate about $182 million for development and humanitarian assistance each year.

As director of the Council for International Development, Josie was in the media this week talking about changes in the way the public is supporting international development. CID's report on the state of the aid sector is here.

Over here, Josie tells RNZ that agencies are developing new public funding strategies.

"Rather than a message which says we'll take your dollar and 80 cents of that will get to the field and 20 cents will help us run our organisation - and that's still absolutely true, NGOs need an operating budget - but it's almost like they're looking at a model where they're saying, 'We'll invest it for you, we'll take your dollar and turn it into $1.60".

More than two-thirds of the organisations that responded to the survey had a private sector partner, up from one-third the previous year.

More coverage here.

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