Josie's Stuff column about Russia's invasion of Ukraine is here.
Russia’s outrageous aggression matters to us. It matters because of our values. Ukraine is a democracy, and we should take the side of liberal democracies everywhere, especially when they are threatened by outside violent authoritarians.
It matters because we need the rules-based international order and system of laws for resolving disputes between nations. Without it, the world reverts to the 19th-century rule of wars and nationalism that produced industrial-scale carnage.
Josie joined Jim Mora and Chris Wikaira on RNZ's Sunday morning to discuss the protests in parliament grounds, contact tracing and cancelling Joe Rogan.
The definition of lockdown is working-class people delivering stuff to middle-class people.
Omicron's "Red" setting means optional lockdowns for those who can work from home. If you don't have the choice then you continue to deliver stuff, sell stuff, wipe the brows of the sick, keep places running.
We are living in a time of the greatest increase in inequality in my working life. Bigger than the 80s, when the Lange-Douglas Government made changes the current Cabinet swore they would never abide.
If your wages didn't increase by 6 per cent last year then you are worse off than you were a year ago because that's how much prices rose.
An average Auckland house worth a million dollars a year ago is worth $200,000 more now. Most houses earned more than the people living in them.
Josie's column in the Herald is here.