Kiwibank's critics were spectacularly wrong | Josie Pagani



Kiwibank's critics were spectacularly wrong

Today, Kiwibank has over a million customers, including 40,000 businesses. We own an asset worth multiples of our money down, and NZ Post, the Super Fund and ACC have all made money out of it. The public enjoys better banking services, and even satisfaction with Aussie banks has risen because they were forced to lift their game.

At the risk of inviting an FBI raid on our lifestyle Mar-a-Lago, I possess a copy (stamped ‘’confidential’’) of the consultant's report that forecast Kiwibank would fail.

Investment bankers, political opponents who called it a ‘’dog’’, and banking academics were totally, completely, spectacularly, wrong at the one thing they were paid to be right about. Woof.

Read how Josie says it can gain the scale Kiwibank needs for its next phase in Stuff, here.

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