Archives for February 2016 | Josie Pagani


Upper Hutt votes to be TPP free and is Wellington congestion the worst ever?

Josie joined Nick Mills and Tim Fookes on Wellington’s Newstalk ZB Friday Forum. This week:

Upper Hutt City Council votes to be TPP free.

The bucket from Cuba Street’s bucket fountain goes missing.

Is congestion in Wellington traffic the worst it has ever been?

What are the three elements of any good public campaign that made a success of the crowd-funded bid to buy Awaroa beach.

Have house prices jumped in Wellington?

All this and our Hots and Nots.
Listen here.

Here's why Labour is trailing National - plus Bush drops out and BoJo backs Brexit

Josie joined Larry Williams and Mike Yardley on Newstalk ZB for the Huddle.

There were two polls published on the weekend: A One News Colmar Brunton poll has National ahead of Labour by 47-32 (NZF 10, Greens down to 8). Roy Morgan had National’s lead at 48.5 to 27. Josie analyses why Labour is losing.
The Huddle 22 Feb 16 Pt 1

George Bush drops out of the contest to be the Republican nominee for US President. But he had $100 million and the Bush family machine. Democrats are prepared to compromise to win; the Republicans are doubling down on oppositional extremism. Trump has the support of angry white working class men - in both parties. He has become the working class hero and someone forgot to tell his accent.

and ..

Boris Johnson comes out for the campaign to leave the EU. The anti-Europe Tories are split. Boris is the neoliberal, small state get out of big state side. I have no doubt that Britain will stay in the EU. Boris will have a burst and it will increase his popularity in the Tory party, but Britain has a lot to lose if they’re not in the EU.
The Huddle 22 Feb 16 Pt 2

Subsidising sports, David Bain, health cuts and badly behaved Kiwis

Josie joined Nick Mills and Tim Fookes on Wellington’s Newstalk ZB Friday Forum. This week:

Council support for sports and major events in Wellington. There are suggestions that Wellington City may withdraw support for the Sevens and the Saints lose funding. (Don’t miss the story of how the Saints got their name.)

Josie argues David Bain should get compensation, because whatever you think about his guilt or innocence, it’s irrelevant to the finding of the courts.

DHBs are being asked to make cuts, and the government is targeting preventive health care and mental health.

The backpackers hostel that won’t have New Zealanders to stay because they’re badly behaved binge drinkers.

Josie’s Not Hot this week is the video promoting a change to the flag.

Awaroa Beach, John Oliver and health cuts

Josie joined Larry Williams and David Farrar on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB to discuss Gareth Morgan’s attempts to help out the successful crowd-funded campaign to buy a beach.

John Oliver screened an hilarious segment about the sex toy thrown at Waitangi.

And the health budget gets squeezed by cutting back preventive health care.

Listen to Part 1:
The Huddle 16 Feb 2016 Pt 1

And Part 2:
The Huddle 16 Feb 2016 Pt 2

Trump wins New Hampshire

Josie was on TVNZ's Breakfast on Thursday to discuss Donald Trump's win in the New Hampshire primary.

You can see her segment
here, at 23 minutes. Video is only available until 17 February.
Pasted Graphic 1

Going cashless, Awaroa beach, sexting and an MP's reference

Josie joins Tim Fookes and Nick Mills on the Friday Forum.
Should an MP have given a character reference for someone in his constituency ahead of sentencing?

Gareth Morgan’s offer to help buy Awaroa beach.

How worried are you about research showing sexting starts early and is widespread?

Are we going to have a cashless society?

All this and then our hots and nots

Estate duties, three strikes laws and 'baby boxes'

This afternoon Josie joined Larry Williams and Janet Wilson on Newstalk ZB’s The Huddle.

In Part 1 they looked at ‘baby boxes’.
The Huddle 11 Feb 2016 Pt1

In Part 2: A call in Australia to reintroduce estate duties. Josie argues that if you  don't tax people who inherit more than $5 million, then everyone who works has to pay a greater share.

And 'three strikes' law: Should judges have the discretion to waive life imprisonment without parole where they rule it would be manifestly unjust to impose a life sentence?
The Huddle 11 Feb 2016 Pt2

Waitangi Day and TPP protests

Josie Pagani joins Nick Mills and Tim Fookes on Newstalk ZB's Friday Forum.

The Prime Minister decides not to go to Waitangi this year, and TPP protests. Josie objects to "The idea you would equate the Springbok tour and anti-apartheid protests with signing a trade deal - apartheid was a truly horrific invention. This is a trade deal about which reasonable people can disagree. This is not nuclear free New Zealand."
Friday Forum 5 Feb 2016 Pt 1

Out of all the trade deals we have signed, why has the TPP become the focus? Labour's new policy of three year's of free post-school education. "This is hugely beneficial to the economy. The problem Labour has is that people trust Labour to be compassionate, to fund health and education. They don't trust Labour to be fiscally responsible, despite the fact Michael Cullen ran nine surpluses in a row. The position on the TPP made it looks like education would be free, on the other hand how are you going to pay for it if you're not prepared to support a trade deal with access to 40% of the world's GDP?"
Friday Forum 5 Feb 2016 Pt 2

Trade skills courses offered through schools. T2 lanes are coming back. How do our petrol prices compare to those in other countries?
Friday Forum 5 Feb 2016 Pt 3

How we are keeping cool in Wellington's spell of hot weather. And this week's Hots and Nots.
Friday Forum 5 Feb 2016 Pt 4

Coffee and free education

The trim milk fad is the biggest have since we were told genetically modified foods were dangerous. Is the class system alive and well in the way we take our coffee? Josie on the Huddle on Newstalk ZB with Rachel Smalley and Jock Anderson. Plus: Labour's promise to provide three years of free post-school education.

Part 1 is here:
The Huddle 01022015 Pt1

Listen to Part 2 here:
The Huddle 01022015 Pt2

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